Tag Archives: grasping

Not Taking What Is Not Offered

The second of the 5 precepts is awkwardly phrased as “not taking what is not offered.” If we erase the double negatives, it becomes “taking [only] what is offered.”

At first, the precept sounds like the one of the Ten Commandments: “You shall not steal.” But as we work with the precept, it becomes more nuanced.

We begin with the material world–not stealing, not taking what isn’t offered. This includes pens and paper clips from our employer. If we share a refrigerator, not taking someone else’s food. I had a meditation teacher who would not pick up a dime in a parking lot because no one had offered it to him.

Next, we can consider the immaterial world. How about not taking more than our share of time in a meeting? How about allowing space for others? How about not exceeding the speed limit? The speed limit limits us to 65 mph or 30 or 40. Exceeding the speed limit is taking something we have not been offered.

Finally, the second precept matures into generosity. “With open-handed generosity, i recondition my heart-mind.” With open-handed generosity, i let go of grasping. And really, this path we are on is all about letting go.

image from slideshare.net